Legal notice

About the company

This is the website of Fluxys Brasil SA (hereafter: we, us or Fluxys), a public limited company in the process of being incorporated under Brazilian law -

Scope of the information on this website

The information published on this website is public and provided for information purposes only.

This website is updated at regular intervals and to the best of our ability. However, Fluxys cannot guarantee that all the information supplied is accurate, reliable or up to date.

Fluxys is not liable for any consequence of the use of any information on this website or on a website to which visitors to this site are referred by this site. Visitors to this website therefore accept that any use of this website's content is at their own risk.

The information provided on this website is not intended to be used as a basis for evaluating Fluxys.

Nothing on this website shall be deemed as constituting an offer to buy or sell products or services or enter into a contract of any kind, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Likewise, nothing on this website constitutes an offer to buy or subscribe to Fluxys shares.

Protection of intellectual rights to the website and its content

The content and architecture of this site, including but not limited to pictures, texts, logos, slogans and trademarks, are protected by intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyright and trademark law. They are protected by national and international laws and regulations that must be strictly complied with by all visitors to this site.

No reproduction, rental, lease, download, radio broadcast or use in public performance of this site and its content by any means is permitted without the prior written consent of Fluxys or any other rightful owners.

However, limited extracts of the content of this site may be used for private and non-commercial use without prior permission provided that the source and publication date are stated explicitly and clearly. Such publication may not give rise to any compensation whatsoever.

No content appearing on this site may be construed as conferring any licence or rights with respect to a patent, copyright or registered trademark of Fluxys or a third party. Fluxys reserves the right to seek prosecution for any infringement of its intellectual property rights.

This site does not aim to collect confidential data from visitors. Consequently, and with the exception of any submission of personal data (which is subject to this website's privacy policy), any data, in whatever form, including but not limited to any document, expertise, graphical data, questions, suggestions, ideas, remarks or other information a visitor may communicate on this website by e-mail or any other means, shall not be deemed confidential in any way by Fluxys. As such, any submission of data grants us the irrevocable right, with no compensation, to use, reproduce, distribute, modify or pass it on for any purpose whatsoever.

Links to other websites

Fluxys cannot be held liable for any third-party website the visitor might access via this website. Fluxys has no means of controlling these third-party websites, which are completely independent. The provision of a link to another website does not mean that Fluxys endorses the content of that site. Visitors are also responsible for protecting their computer against any viruses infecting their computer when they visit a third-party website.

Furthermore, the use of this website by third-party sites is not permitted without the prior written consent of Fluxys. Links or any other methods enabling parts of this website to be incorporated into third-party websites are also not permitted.

Limitation of liability

This site is provided 'as is'. Visitors acknowledge that it is technically impossible to provide a website that has no failures whatsoever. Failures or hacker attacks may result in the total or partial unavailability of the website. Fluxys cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to the website or that the site contains no errors or viruses, nor can it guarantee the site's availability, accuracy or reliability. Visitors to this site acknowledge that they use the site at their own risk and that the site may be exposed to content from other sources.

With the exception of liability in the event of death or bodily injury caused by gross negligence or wilful misconduct by Fluxys, Fluxys rejects any liability for any damage, including direct or indirect damage, inflicted upon visitors of this website.

Applicable law and courts having jurisdiction

This legal notice is governed by Brazilian law. Any dispute pertaining to this notice shall fall under the jurisdiction of the courts of Rio de Janeiro.